KetoCitra® Travel Packets - 3 Pack


KetoCitra® Trial Packets - 3 Pack 

We're happy to now offer KetoCitra® Travel packets. Traveling with KetoCitra® just got easier.

Directions: Twice per day, shake or stir vigorously 6.5 grams (approximately 1.5 level teaspoons) of KetoCitra® with 8-16 oz of water and drink slowly with a meal, or as directed by your physician.

First time users begin with 3.3 grams (approximately 1 level teaspoon twice per day for one week to assess tolerance, and gradually increase to recommended serving size.

In case of gastrointestinal discomfort or any other signs of intolerance, reduce serving size or discontinue use of product, and consult your physician

KetoCitra® is a medical food designed for the dietary management of Chronic Kidney Disease, including the genetic form, Polycystic Kidney Disease.   

  • The BHB delivered with KetoCitra® is intended to support the dietary management of cellular metabolic abnormalities in kidney disease.
  • The citrate in KetoCitra® supports the dietary management of hypocitraturia in kidney disease and it's formulated to deliver an alkaline base to support the balancing of urine pH.
  • KetoCitra® is also formulated to deliver calcium and magnesium to manage the dietary absorption of oxalate and inorganic phosphate when taken with meals. 
  • KetoCitra® is sodium- and sugar-free and formulated to be kidney-safe when used as directed.
  • KetoCitra® should be taken under the supervision of your healthcare practitioner. If you are in need of a qualified practitioner be sure to check out our practitioner network.

Learn more about the science behind KetoCitra HERE.



KetoCitra ® 中的所有成分在其使用条件下均被公认为安全(GRAS)。请参阅下面的营养信息表,了解更多信息和完整的成分列表。

Domestic Shipping

针对国内客户的免责声明和信息感谢您对 KetoCitra® 的兴趣!所有在美国境内运送的订单均提供免费送货。美国境内的平均运送时间为 3-4 天。 **请注意:由于 KetoCitra® 是一种医疗食品,我们在任何情况下都无法接受退货。

International Shipping

针对国际客户的免责声明和信息感谢您对 KetoCitra® 的兴趣!为了使该产品在美国境外上市,我们现在接受国际订单。每个国家/地区都有自己独特的允许产品进入该国家/地区的方法,并且由于 KetoCitra® 是一种医疗食品,因此运送到您的国家/地区可能会遇到额外的困难。以下是有关订单发货的一些要点: 1. 对于大多数国际客户,您将需要支付 20.00 美元的固定费用,以支付所有运费,包括运费、增值税和任何海关费用。 2. 交货时间未知。如果您使用订阅计划,我们建议您将每个“下一个发货日期”提前,这样您就不会在两次发货之间用完。您还可以增加下一个订阅订单的数量。请注意,较大的订单可能会在您所在的国家/地区引发额外的关税,因此可能值得尝试。 3. 不幸的是,由于我们对国际订单的运输和海关缺乏控制,我们在任何情况下都无法提供退款。对于由此带来的不便,我们深表歉意,并正在努力为我们的国际客户提供更好的体验。 4. 国际订单不包含说明书。我们建议您下载说明书、阅读并与您的医生分享。